On Friday, September 29, 9 members of COOS set off for the Diocesan Jr. High Fall Retreat, once we got the van started (thanks Mark Boland for the jump start!) We picked up our 10th group member in Columbia and were on our way to Gravatt Camp and Conference Center near Aiken, SC. Daniel , Rebecca , Josie , Sarah Ann , Sarkis , Jessica , Olivia , Andy & Mary Cat attended this event along with ___ youth from ____ parishes around the diocese. Some familiar camp songs and riddles kept us laughing along the way and we were welcomed to our weekend in the wilderness by the bumpy, but beautiful dirt road we followed into the campground.
On Friday night we were introduced to the theme of the weekend LIVE, LOVE and SERVE!
How we live our lives and the choices we make maters – from the smallest day to day things, to the big questions and issues of life. The love that we have received from God through Jesus is one that makes us holy and whole, not (holey like in your socks, but complete, like a circle.) And in response to the that love we can serve God by serving others.
On Saturday morning we spent time in our small groups where we prepared and performed a skit about the difference between living your life for yourself and living your life for God. That afternoon we worked on a craft project. Each person put together a heart shaped puzzle that they could decorate with the six or more pieces of their identity that makes them up as a whole.
Our guest speaker on Saturday night, Michael Lee of Columbia is the director of a shelter that has been serving the homeless for he last (x) years. While telling the story of his work, providing basic shelter for people living on the street during the coldest nights of the year (November – March), he received a real phone call from a woman and her children who needed a place to stay on Saturday night. The message really hit home as the group responded with questions and concerns about the people, not only in Columbia, but in each of the communities represented at this diocesan youth event.
That evening, in response to the needs of the people seeking shelter from Mike, we each prepared a bag of some basic toiletries, including: a new toothbrush, shampoo, tissues, soap, and deodorant. The bag also included a special prayer card written by each individual youth to whoever the recipient of this bag would be. The time that we spent listening to the stories of those who are in need, and the simple act of putting together a bag of necessities, seemed very small. But it opened the hearts, and minds of the participants of this event. For each bag that was made, a reflection of love will also shine upon its recipient.
The following morning the youth had the opportunity to share some of their reflections from the weekend and several members of our group spoke about what they had learned. Below are some of the written comments and memories from this great weekend that were collected on the way home to Rock Hill.
In addition to all that we learned, the weekend was punctuated with great music and singing led by Jamey ___ of Wilmington, NC. There were also relay races and other large group games. Some of us played cards, ping pong, foosball, soccer, met the camp dogs, made new friends, jokes, dances and laughs. The design team entertained us with a rendition of “Whose Line is it Anyway?” there was a dance and a great campfire down by the waterfront. Prayer and worship were also important parts of the weekend, including Compline by firelight and Eucharist on Sunday morning at the outdoor chapel. The great gift of getting out of our everyday normalcy and into the woods together allowed us to build Christian community and just relax on great Gravatt grounds.
Thank you God for the gift of getting to know, and love one another through you! Inspire us to remember what we learned and to act on the gifts that you have given us as we Live, Love and Serve your will in our daily lives! Amen.
“Camp Gravatt was a very fun experience. One of my favorite things was chasing the dog until I almost passed out. I can’t remember anything else.” Sarkis, Grade 6
“I had a great time this weekend! My favorite part was the songs and music! I really liked that because of all the motions. Cruising** was cool too. Other awesome things were the dance and the bon-fire. I think the phrase of the weekend would definitely be from Mary Cat, “Is that snow on the ground?” I would really like to go on another retreat at Gravatt, (even if it is cold).” - Anna Grade 7
I had an awesome time this weekend! I made lots of new friends and learned lots of songs. Even though it was cold, I had fun playing games and doing skits. I learned how I can serve and help other people in the community. I’m very excited about New Beginnings!” --Jessica, Grade 7
“I really loved the weekend – it was a really moving experience. I made so many new friends friends it was just so much fun. I’m so excited about New Beginnings. Gravett was and still is a life changing experience. We learned about how many people don’t have a home and freeze to death. I look at things from a different perspective now.”--Josie Grade 7
This retreat has really opened up my eyes. It helped me see how we can serve others to the highest extent. It also taught me how to live for God and not just for me. We had a crazy time. While we were at Gravatt, such as Andy gracefully falling over the soccer ball and Mary Cat seeking “snow.” I really enjoyed this retreat and I hope we can go to New Beginnings*. Thanks to Mary Cat and Andy. I had a blast.” – Rebecca , grade 8
This weekend at Gravatt really made me aware of how much a single person can do to help people. This weekend I saw a lot of examples of how to live my life for God. I can’t wait to get home and express what I’ve learned through my life and become a better person.” – Olivia , grade 8
* New Beginnings: Jr. High DYE at Gravatt, April 22-22, 2007
** “Cruising:” the Gravatt word for serving and busing the tables at meal time.