On Sunday, September 23, Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), our ministry with homeless families here in
Sr. High Seekers to host IHN dinner!
On Sunday, September 23, Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), our ministry with homeless families here inRock Hill , will come to Our Saviour. Help plan and prepare a meal for these families by connecting with fellow youth and your youth volunteers. Be here on Sunday at 5:30 pm to help set up, & serve dinner at 6:30 pm. We’ll eat too and have a short gathering afterwards to discuss the experience and other ways that we’d like to serve our community through mission and service opportunities. Please plan to be here from 5:30 – 8 pm if you are assisting with supper. Latecomers are welcome, but we do have a commitment to provide the meal. Contact Will and April Roberts with questions about how you can help: wroberts@chmuseums.org
On Sunday, September 23, Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN), our ministry with homeless families here in
This 24 Hour get-together will take place at Gravatt our diocesanCamp & Conference center near Aiken, SC. Sign up using a diocesan registration form, and get your forms and $50 registration fee in to Mary Cat by Wed., October 3.
Read more about the event from a youth perspective at: http://www.edusc.org/Youth/Diocesan%20Youth%20Events/SrHighEvents.shtml
Just click it! And sign up to join in the fun!
JR. HIGH FALL RETREAT, September 28-30 at Camp Gravatt
Sign up for this event with Mary Cat by Wednesday, September 12
Sign up for this event with Mary Cat by Wednesday, September 12
Read about this event below from the perspective of a youth on the design team!
By: Brandon Kerr, JHFR Design Team and
If you’re looking for a good time and you are in grades 6-8 grade, than the Jr. High Fall Retreat is just the place for you. The event will take place from Friday, September 28 through Sunday, September 30 and it is a great way to meet cool people, strengthen your faith, and just have fun. This year’s theme is “The Good Fight of Faith” will be explored using the scriptures from our Sunday lectionary through games, talks, small groups, and craft projects. There will be lots of time for just having fun at Gravatt. Youth and their adult leaders will be lead by members of the Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee.
The event will begin on Friday evening with registration beginning at 6:00 pm with dinner at 7:00pm. We will conclude with lunch on Sunday which will begin at 12:00 noon. Things to bring include: Sleeping Bag and Pillow, towel, casual clothes, swim suit, sunscreen and bug spray, and toiletries. PLEASE remember that nights at Gravatt in the fall can be very cold – so be sure to have a warm sleeping bag and/or bring an extra blanket. Also be prepared to be outside no matter what the weather – so bring appropriate clothes and shoes.
The event will begin on Friday evening with registration beginning at 6:00 pm with dinner at 7:00pm. We will conclude with lunch on Sunday which will begin at 12:00 noon. Things to bring include: Sleeping Bag and Pillow, towel, casual clothes, swim suit, sunscreen and bug spray, and toiletries. PLEASE remember that nights at Gravatt in the fall can be very cold – so be sure to have a warm sleeping bag and/or bring an extra blanket. Also be prepared to be outside no matter what the weather – so bring appropriate clothes and shoes.

Thanks to your new teachers for showing up: M3: Andy Castillo, and Sr. High Seekers: Will & April Roberts and Ann Walton & Bryan Townsend.
Can't wait to see you in Sunday school and for our next gatherings!
Stay connected right here on the Our Saviour Youth Blogspot!
Peace, MC+
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