Hot on the heels of our return from West Virginia – Senior High Youth, Confirmation Class participants and those starting the class next fall – Please let me know ASAP if you would like to register for this Diocesan Youth Event! Read about the excellent program and reply to this message if you would like to attend! Remember – scholarship money is always available to defray the cost of youth events. Do not let the cost be a factor in your decision here! Looking forward to hearing from you – MCE
Please be advised that the deadline for DYLTC 2008 is this Friday, January 25th. See below for more information. Also, please remember to eat before you arrive on Friday night, dress appropriate for weather at Kanuga, and you might want to bring a large towel and/or an extra blanket.
DYLTC 2008
Senior High Youth Event, grades 9-12
February 8-10, 2008
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go” Ps. 32:9
The Diocesan Youth Leadership Training Conference will feature our diocesan missionaries in
The event begins on Friday evening with registration at 7:00 pm and program at 8:00 pm. All participants should eat dinner before arriving. We will conclude our event on Sunday following lunch which is scheduled for 12:30 pm. Camp Bob provides towels and bed linens, however, some young people find it helpful to bring larger towels and an extra blanket or sleeping bag. We will be spending some time outside, so please plan on appropriate clothing for February in NC.
The cost for the event is $75.00, 1/3 of which is due at the time of the registration deadline of January 25th. This is when the Congregational Registration Form** is also due. The remainder of the registration fee and Individual Registration Forms, for all participants – youth and adult, are due at the event registration.