Homeworks 2008 Mission Trip

Mary Cat, Nick and Chris Costley and Andy Castillo gave a presentation on their experiences on the Homeworks 2008 Mission Trip.

Here's a slideshow from the trip and slides from the the powerpoint presentation that was given.

IHN Center visit, dinner and games!

Our Saviour's youth outside of Interfaith Hospitality Network.

Check out pictures from our evening and return to read reflections from youth about our experiences visiting the IHN center and providing dinner and hospitality to the families staying at Our Saviour this week.

Angie Zoubian and Alison Taylor organized our taco/enchilada bar and ice cream sundae bar!

Pat Murray, our IHN parish leader, Andy Castillo and Kathryn Coady helped keep our youth on task as we chopped, cooked, and set the table for our meal together!

Thanks adult volunteers and parents and youth for your food and time donations!

Lot's to do!

MMM MMM Taco meat!

Beached whale?

I get it - we're playing Ships and Sailors -- Captain (Andy)'s coming!

Summer of Service - a youth perspective on our visit to Pilgrim's Inn

Hope and Healing found at Pilgrim's Inn
by Meg McGill

Many people know of Rock Hill's Pilgrim's Inn. Many people know of the food bank located at Pilgrim's Inn. Many people know how much support Pilgrim's Inn gives to the community. But not many people understand the amount of support Pilgrim's Inn gives to Rock Hill. The staff gives their hearts and souls to helping the people who come to them for help. Pilgrim's Inn is not simply a food bank. It is a day care for working families, there is a shelter for women and children. Pilgrim's Inn also works closely with the Department of Mental Health.
I went there for the first time with some of the members of the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour's youth group. It was a slightly overcast day and our group was small. But we had a mission. Our mission was pretty simple, learn about Pilgrim's Inn and do a small service project. Learning about the organization was the best part of the trip. Cleaning up the children's playground for them was the most satisfying part. It amazes me each time it happens but the best type of work, the most satisfying work, the work that makes a worker happy is the work that helps others. I enjoyed the few hours I spent at Pilgrim's Inn. It showed me that people will perpetually look after one another. It is a good cause, a worthy organization. I say to you that you should stop by one day for a chat and a tour. I can say from experience that it's an eye opener.
So in the small building in the middle of Rock Hill right off of Main Street, you can find Pilgrim's Inn, a place of hope, healing, and happiness that relies on the support of the community.

Meg McGill is a Junior at South Pointe High School. She is active in the choir and several other ministries at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour and was Confirmed in April 2008.