A note from Mary Cat:

A note from Mary Cat:

During the month of March I will be out of town visiting family and friends on two separate occasions.

Friday March 14-Tuesday, March 18th I will be with family in South Dakota for a family funeral.

Wednesday, March 26-Tuesday, April 1 I will be on a previously planned vacation.

Please note—I will not be attending the Youth Service Day or the Youth Laser Quest trip. Please contact the Adult volunteers who are coordinating these events, and have fun working and playing together! Holy Lent & Happy Easter!

National Youth Service Day!

National Youth Service Day is Saturday, March 29th

Youth who would like to give their time and talent (and receive a free t-shirt and pizza lunch) should contact Sheree Welsh ASAP!

Sheree will be organizing work projects around the parish that require your hands on assistance!

If you plan to participate in this gathering on the afternoon of Saturday, March 29th —sign up in the parish hall or call Sheree by Sunday, March 16th.

Participants gather at the pavilion in Cherry Park at 12 pm for lunch and t-shirt pick-up before returning to Our Saviour at 1 p.m. Parent volunteers and leaders are also invited to contribute to this Saturday of service.

Okay y’all, JUST FOR FUN!!!

Okay y’all, JUST FOR FUN!!!

On Sunday, March 30th youth grades 6-12 are invited to join Andy Castillo, and your other youth leaders for an afternoon adventure of Laser Quest in Charlotte, NC.

Youth will gather at Our Saviour at 2:30 p.m.and return at approximately 5:30 p.m. for dinner in the fellowship hall. RSVP for this event with Andy Castillo by SUNDAY, MARCH 23 to participate in this event.

Cost: $15 per person—this includes 2 games of tag and dinner.

Permission Slips are required to attend this event.

Parent volunteers who can host the dinner, or want to help as drivers—please contact Andy by Sunday, March 16th.