Have you ever heard so many ways to address or call God?


Sun of righteousness
Heavenly King
Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Holy Father
Giver of Life
Everliving God
Alpha and Omega
Holy Spirit
Redeemer and Friend
Gracious God
Merciful Father
Kyrie Eleison
The Way
Blessed Body and Blood
Prince of Peace
Lord of Lords
Beginning and End

On Saturday, November 3, the Church of Our Saviour held a silent prayer vigil from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Members of the parish came as individuals, and in small groups to pray for the needs of our community, keeping vigil, keeping watch in the church building. At 12 noon on Saturday, there were several adventurous folk from the youth and Canterbury groups who gathered for a “loud” hour – providing a space for those who might not be able to pray silently for an hour, but wanted to participate in the vigil.

Our first action as a group gathered was to pray aloud all the names and addresses we could think of to give to God. When you pray you begin by greeting God. The names and titles listed above show the variety of names with which we address God in our personal and community prayer life (thanks to the BCP for some of the more formal titles!) With what name do you address God when you pray?

We also prayed over the names of Happening candidates, participating in the weekend retreat at that very moment, the prayer concerns that had been given to us for prayer during the vigil, our loved ones, our enemies and ourselves. One other way of praying that we tried on as a gathered community involved writing our own hymn! It was easier than you might think! All we had to do was come up with 14 2-syllable words (or a few 3 syllable phrases) and we sand these words to the tune of Amazing Grace. Would you like to see our hymn? Check it out:

Lovely, father, playful, caring, a joyful melody…
Peaceful, prayerful, enduring, strong, a bonding family.

Thanks to those who came out for the vigil and stayed for a little home-made chili lunch! We hope you can join us next time we gather for a prayer vigil – either silently, or aloud!

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